Not To Be Seen...But To be Heard #TobeHeard
To be heard by many and to be head by the world
Growing up where if your not heard your a nobody
Flashing and Dashing watching the world past you by
Doing all things to be seen as the world flashes past your eyes
For years i have strive to be seen Honor Roll to All City Football and big dreams
But i have seem to fall by the waist side of the naked eye
Seen by those who like me, Seen by those who hate me
But at the end of the day i go past there eyes
Is it because I am daring
Is it because dreamful
Is it because dying for greatness
Is it because I am different
I think its because I am me
There is no one like you young man
Remember there is no one like you
My parents don't understand
Why don't y'all understand
I want to be great and i sacrifice
I come home late because i strive to be great
My teachers don't understand I'm in the front of the class room but it seems like the back
My coaches don't understand
The top athlete on my team but because i work hard and i am dedicated my team calls me wack
No Parties No Games No Nothing
Just Hard Work and Dedication
You know what that is me!
And i am proud of it
To be seen is no issue ..I want to be Heard
From the town of new York to my town in Detroit
I want to be heard