The truth about me…
If you want it, first I have to ask,
Can you handle it?
Are you able to hold it gently in the palm of your hand
Like a fistful of sand,
Or will you grasp too tightly
And cause each and every grain of me
To slip away?
I have a strong surface,
But I am much too fragile,
Like glass.
I haven’t always been this way,
But I have grown weaker
As time has passed.
Still, as sand in my broken form,
My tiny shards of glass
Are what make me.
What am I you ask?
To some I am a worn, translucent bowl
Used every day,
Taken advantage of,
And never truly noticed.
But to myself,
I am an intricately designed, crystal vase
Meant to hold the essence of natural beauty.
Whether I am broken and shattered into a million pieces,
Or strategically placed as a centerpiece,
It matters not how you see me,
For I know my true value and worth.
My final question is,
Will you hold me just the same?