no support lead to failure

No support leads to failure for him, thrown at the ground back against the ropes realizing, he was left hopeless. Day to day, every word spoken to him was immoral.
No hope I have no hope that’s sad these things make me mad.
What am I able to do I’m weak like the hungry but still try like that single star that shines bright in my life.
The cause of no support leads to failure is a slogan read in my mind throughout the night.
You hear a whisper in the air, speaking out “go try its alright to fall down”. At that moment tears flows down your cheek, you’re fighting against no support.
I’m asking how, how is it possible to be persistent when I lack support.
I lack the support from family sadly, but greatly I have learned to appreciate what I have at the tips of my fingers.
Dreaming about how things were right in the beginning, then awakening to realizing things went from great to worse in a matter of days.
People tell me life pays; I sit in and listen to how great others lives are. Constant criticism is always hitting me hanging my head in shame is all I can do.
Questions running through my mind are; is this support or hell, is this life or a dream; I’m living in a fantasy waiting to be woken up to see clear.
I’ll be the brave one to let a tear fall with no fear, falling to my knees asking myself why I am living this life of no support that lead to failure.



Here's some support: This a powerful, emotive poem which grapples with an issue which, unfortunately, too many people can relate to. Keep sharing your poetry--others will be able to relate to it and find their own support within it.

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