No matter what
"Why did you hate me so? What did i do to you?
I love you mom, dont cry it wasnt your fault. Tell Izzy I love her.
Hurt i feel no more."
Thats what the note that she left said. She cut her wrist, hoping no one would notice.
They saw the signs but they did say.
Wouldnthat have happened if they had?
Its to late shes gone. She would hide away in her room
tears streaming down her face. She thougt if im gone the world would be better.
After having enough of the rumors amd the people who brought her down
time and time again, she did it.
They found her bleeding out. They tried to save her but it was to late. Today she said goodbye.
Remember your worth it no matter what. God will always love you and he is always there for you.