nine lives
Nine lives like a cat I have,
I pounce back from the improbable.
I am the black cat, which no one wants to cross their path.
Silent, and never seen.
I had nine lives, now down by three.
One loss was when I was little,
Barley one at the time, from what
I have heard it is some what a miracle.
Another came when I was older,
It was a different loss this time
It burned like a deep smolder.
The kind you do not not realize,
Till your crumpled on the floor.
Emotionless and hollow.
It came from inside and swollowed,
Me hole.
The third and last is where I got the name cat!
Nine lives I have they thought they stole,
This night.
I fell and did not land on my feet
Oh and there was no light.
I prowl the night, waiting for the next.
I wail for some help!
But they do not here,
After all this is what I do.
I do it well,
Nine lives of the cat!