nike on my feet

Thu, 10/10/2024 - 13:53 -- rychard



Oh, the Nikes on my feet, they make me complete,
A work of art, a masterpiece so neat.
The leather soft and supple, the laces tight,
I feel the power, I feel the might.

The swoosh on the side, a symbol of grace,
A promise of speed, a race to the pace.
The cushioning beneath, a comforting embrace,
I bounce with ease, I run with haste.

The Nike swoop, a logo of pride,
A badge of honor, a mark of stride.
I wear them with style, with confidence true,
My Nikes on my feet, my spirit anew.

So let me run, let me leap,
With my Nikes on, my heart does creep.
Into the sunset, or the dawn's light,
With my trusty shoes, all is right.


nike on my feet is what i need



like nike on my feet thay make feel compleate once me and my freind made a song nikes on my feet my story said nike so he made that on bandlap

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