The night of the night

Yeoksam kiss room "Opium Today (オ ー ト)> Joel 0013 <〠〠〠 These apps set out the time of departure and departure widely, and hired a general driver who owns a car to arrange transportation to an unspecified number of citizens" and " Except for the transportation costs, it is 300,000 ~ 500,000 won per month, # nightly night, # nighttime opponent [OpTodaY3. © om] a lot of earn more than 1 million won. "# The night of the nightFor the Yeoksam kiss room, [OPTODAY3.COM] The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced that it would violate the relevant laws because there are three types of carpool app vendors in three places, but they introduced the "commute time selection system" Today, Joel is working on carpool apps by virtue of call-tax method, and doing illegal remittances. " 

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