
United States
41° 52' 58.1844" N, 87° 45' 6.228" W

Drop dead in the middle of the sentence
My whole life stoped before i began it
Niggas talking bout' oh she's this and that
Maybe you should take a lap and pop a gap because what was there is gone and it aint no coming back
I'm gone take it like a man and move on no secound chance
No need for rebounds just catch me at the repass cause my hearts dead and at 3:30 thats when we all said
Said are good byes to the yesterdays and hello's to the future
I'm not a pick up line or no bitch you can use hell naw no respusha
I don't give a rat's ass about the pass because i'm the future
No martin luther i'm beyond that
I can see my dreams getting bigger on the tower of success that i have created
When one rock falls i'm strengthin harder to reach my destination
Money isn't the key it's everything else that you make it
When in doubt don't measure the bad outcomes only the good
A man's strength is only built on how high he plains to climb
And a woman will be by his side helping him make it
I'm not gone thumb wrestle you for an opportunity
Just put yo gaurds down and let me be your utility


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