A new world discovered: America
Life used to be full of energy and happiness;
No pressure and no sadness.
Simply, life seemed easy;
But soon I would become needy.
Needy for love, care, and joy;
As soon as I stepped out from the plane I knew that my life was destroyed.
Indeed, my family changed its address and moved; not across the street, rather, across the globe.
New culture, custom, and language hurt my temporal lobe.
Would I ever get use to this new planet I landed in?
They said I reached America, so it's a win-win.
How would I know they are telling the truth?
For I am an innocent and naive youth.
Hopefully, these promises would last;
Even though the intentions are vast.
Nothing of these pleasures is eternal:
All these feelings are external.
My heart collapsed as fast as a building;
This new planet was not thrilling.
I needed to re-experience the warmth of my home country;
And reconnect with my society.
Indeed, after a long age, I knew that I was a naive youth.
The promises did last and they are the truth.
America is the land of opportunities;
Here, I was able to accomplish my dreams and make new unities.
Determination and hard work it took me;
My language and mind are now free.
English does not sound like babbling anymore;
Here is where I belong and adore.
Jointly, let's hear the birds sing freely;
As I sit on the warm American river peacefully.
Sitting with my fellow friends joyfully on the rocks,
And reflecting on the hardship I boxed.