New Orleans
Sky Fades Away
String are left to decay
Trails end, rails bend
Suddenly time melts away
I was on the train to New Orleans
When I saw a girl that was in my dreams
What a beautiful face
In such a gorgeous place
What a fabulous view
When im looking at you
What a beautiful smile
I should stop and wave for awhile
On such a beautiful night
Her eyes shine so bright.
Oh, who is that man dressed in black and grey?
He is giving her the creepy eyes
Now I'm not feeling ok.
That man was death himself and
He was coming for his pay,
Oh that girl over there had died in a crash
She was a ghost searching for her past
Oh 12 miles from New Orleans
Her train had crashed and
her life ended in a flash.
I was on the same train to new Orleans
and death came and whispered to me
That girl was your future wife,
This accident had taken your lives.
You are currently in purgatory
where you will stay until you prove to me,
That you've made your peace humanity.
I was on a train to New Orleans
Nothing in my cup a fresh start for me.
I was on the train to New Orleans
When I saw a girl she was in my dreams