a new idea of flawless
A blurred version of myself stares back at me
the trail of hot tear stains linger on my cheeks as I ask the reflection
"am I beautiful?"
the question presses into my mind,
keeps me awake and restless at night
I pull at my freckled skin
at my knotted red hair
desperatly wishing I could abandon my body
and instead inhabit someone with a
smaller stomach
shinier hair
clearer skin
a vision of a woman who has been shoved down my throat
scince I was old enough to comprehend a telivision or a magazine
with a seemingly perfect body
worthy of love and happiness because of her "flawless" apperance
but the thought arises in my mind,
what is the true meaning of being flawless?
does it exsist
or is it an idea that has been strategically placed in our subconcious
to make us long for products that will make us
I am not perfect
I procrastinate
I don't get enough exercize
I overthink every action of my life,
but I am flawless-
I am flawless because even though I am not content with how I look,
I smile everyday
I make very bad jokes,
and I laugh at myself
I don't make many friends,
but I cherish the ones I have
I love to eat,
and that's okay
being flawless is an perception that has been corrupted and stained
but it is real
it is achievable
I am flawless because I am brave enough to be at ease with my flaws