The Neo Negro
The Neo Negroes
By: William Jones
I wake up, open my eyes
Only to find the same darkness continuing to blind
I keep praying for salvation or a revelation
But here I remain, sitting in my own defecation.
My eyes close, leaving only my senses to feel the rocking.
Opening every so often to see my captors stalking
Walking down the musty rows of our cages,
Scheming, based on the size of our bodies how they will make their wages.
These pale figures feeding us spoiled bread and contaminated water
Feeding the oceans with the corpse of my dead brother and mother.
Malnourished, infected, and too weak they lay,
Deemed unfit to work, thus tossed aside like a farmer does a sack of hay.
When the rocking stops and the cages open I feel free...
Only to be replaced by shackles and a crackling whip as I am brought back down to my Knees.
I swear one day I'll relay to my kin in great length
About the hells from which the Negroes gain their strength.
Now from my grave I watch
As some descendant of mine approaches with his 'iced out' watch
And his shoes and his jewels which he defines as fashion
He has not a clue of the struggles that have happened.
History has repeated itself, my people left to suffer
Paid minimum wage to become somebody’s butler
The shackles and the cages and the chains have been replaced
By someone with no face, or claim to a particular race.
He is the new white man, the new imperialist
Thus for Negroes, pop-culture has become our new slave ship.
Whisking us to the stores, as we watch for new releases online
I wonder how long the freedom ride will take us this time.
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i love this!
Every word of this was so true. I often think about these types of things but you just put it into words so beautifully. Thank you for sharing this!
Within the short time it took me to read this, I have pretty much rethought the entire essence of my life. Some true deep stuff right there...