Neath Olde Southern Cross......


Neath olde Southern Cross

sparkling stars

show a radiant view,

for we will stand

in this brand-new land,

so far, far away

from toil, trouble and strife

of a darkness past,

where oppressions reigned;

amidst religious persecutions

of our faith,

so, in order to escape

to a brand-new life,

our motherland we’ve left behind,

for across the seas we came,

where our journey took many days

under sail,

and by fickle winds,

and in doing so,

new trepidations and fears appeared,

and without much thought we overcome,

now just feeling of an unknown;

for as we stepped ashore,

and on strange tree near,

a jackass laughed,

its peculiar sound indeed to us,

and for all who came ashore that day,

in watching the tide come in,

this foreign land we now call it home,

to be a land of opportunity,

and of hope and dreams,

and from uncertain pasts left behind.




This poem is about: 
My community
My country


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