Like Nature
Like Seeds breaking through the earth
growth is not a given
like a sprout
we can be crushed once we've risen
love is like a garden
pretty and easily tainted
like a new tree
supports must be created
love is nothing more and nothing less than a give and a take
an open market of hearts as innocent as spring
people put on masks of gardeners ready to tend your soul
they keep the mask on long enough to have you worshipping
the ground they upon. it pretends to be holy but in truth it is black as coal
it cracks in the drought of true love and support
that every heart yearns for and deserves
after months of a war inside the victim of fake love hope contorts
it has been fed lies of abuse because thats all its been served
the heart has turned into a flower trapped by weeds
the roots of these vile plans strap it down tight
other gardeners and pesticides alike look at it and instead of becoming rescuers they whisper godspeeds
the flower cannot scream loud enough for people to notice its plight
fake love has intruded on a young buds story
let us rewind to the day of the market that was only trading in love
where instead of a empty heart in a mask the flower had chosen real love in all its glory
the flower would not be trapped instead it would be lifted up by a feeling as pure as a plain white dove
that flower would know that the words because I love you should not be used to coerce
instead they should be scribbled on a card of a bouquet of flowers or the inside of the top of a box of chocolates
the flower would no longer be a seed stomped on by fake love shown in fist fights and rules to traverse
fake love is like a garden filled with plants whose leaves have whole in them and petals found in hard to reach pockets
rows of excuses for never showing up and planters lined with reasons hearts deserve to be broken
real love is the stuff written inside of heart shaped lockets
real love is laying in a bed of roses with no "I love you's" left unspoken
like plants
hearts can be tricked by an early spring
like gardens
love needs tending
but also like nature
true love is never unattainable