Myths and Mysteries
1Cerberus the dog with numerous-a-head and snakes for tails-wow!,
2How was he bred?,
3With venomous teeth that drip and spur beautiful wolfsbane,
4Why do so many think he is insane?,
5Is it because he devours impudent souls?,
6Or is it because his parents are well renowned foes?,
7Poor Cerberus wrongly judged and portrayed,
8He merely sits at the gates and obeys,
9If only they could see the benefit of his claws,
10It took only one stomp for shades to run from his paws,
11However, like any good dog if you give him a treat,
12He will let you into the underworld without skipping a beat,
13Having this job sometimes fills him with dread,
14But don’t you worry one song from a lyre will surely put him to bed,
15This powerful dog with multiple cranium,
16Spews fire from his mouth more colorful than vanadium,
17His loyalty knows no bounds,
18For he is the most important of Hades hounds, 19Unfortunately, his superior strength is still in testing,
20For he was bested by Hercules in a brutal game of wrestling,
21Luckily for him Hercules had a kind heart,
22He stated, “Go back to the underworld little ‘Spot’.”,
23Cerberus returned to his place at the gates,
24Where his owner Hades patiently awaits, 25Cerberus turned his ears down,
26Yet they perked right up when Hades said, “You are still the best boy around.”,
27Now you know his story and his one battle of humility,
28I have shown you the examples of his honor and reliability,
29If you ever see him no need to hover,
30Just be still and know do not judge a book by its cover!