My Voice

I grew up a living contradiction.

I had a thousand options, yet they only penciled me one. 

I was supposed to fail, but was raised to dream. 

I never learned math, but I knew how much grams to bag up.

I was never book smart, but boy was I street smart...

You see,

I was raised to be a King, 

though my community was populated by slaves. 

I'm not talking about slaves that used to pick cotton,

but slaves that were mentally chained and never learned to dream. 

The moment I was told "To know my place and watch my mouth",

I replied, "fuck that". 


My voice isn't powerful, nor can it hit high notes and such. 

But I still take pride in my voice. 

My voice is the middlemen of my heart to your mind. 

My words hold such a sacred message. 


We need to understand that language connects all of us here on Earth.

I will forever speak my mind. 

I know that words can build friendships 

or tear apart a country of diversity. 

I will forever speak my heart. 

And even if im physically chained, my words will speak of freedom. 

Speaking my mind has enriched my life,

It is simply priceless. 

And hey,

You and I both know why the caged bird sings...



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