My Shoulders bother you
My shoulders distract you or so they powers that be exclaim
What you really should be doing is teaching the boys how to tame
Their horomones, but lets be real it is not really them that is bothered
it is you old world, small minded narrow thinkers that cannot seem to get past a thing
My clothes matter not, boys have imagination
stop telling me what I can clothe myself in
I am here to empower a Nation
I am here as a Woman of herself
I could stand her naked and be the same
My clothes do not make me
so why do you try to cage me
Jump off you high horse, the air is to thin up there
I am sure of you came down, your senses would be clear
By saying what I decide to put on my body I should first think of how I may distract the ones around me
You are saying that if I was then raped it was the way I choose myself to look and be
Do you really feel that way
Let us think on that
Because if you do Iaask for the moment you shit in your own hat
and wear it around let the smell consume you
Let it mark who you are
That is what you want me to do
Your feelings are you own, same as mine
Let me make my own mistakes, let me waste my own time
Let me decide what and how I celebrate who I am
Do not ask me to dress for a man