My Remedies For Agony

Fri, 09/02/2016 - 19:17 -- Iluvdis

You decide what you want to do.

You can keep those waterfalls running from under your eyes as long as father time turns those clocks.

I, for one try will try to do anything possible to get as far away as possible from feeling sorrow.

I manage to do that by distracting myself from the problems and conflicts going on.

Doing so causes me to smile as bright as the moon itself.

Okay maybe I am exaggerating a bit but you get the point, after so many troubles get thrown at you you need distract yourself in order for you to get away from that emotion.

The way I can get away from feeling sad is from reading and watching television.

With reading and television being both on my side I am able to escape the bitterness of reality.

As we may all know that reality is not always easy for many and we can all understand that it is true for most of us since we all have passed a few rough patches on the road of living.

The mental images provided for me from reading and the moving pictures from television bring me to ease.

Sure, for one it may seem like a rudimentary task to do but for me they are delightful way to enter a serene atmosphere.

Just by having the bright screen or printed ink of words from paper in front me causes me to enjoy myself a little.

After all they get me away from the bad of the world and helps remind me that there is still joy in the world.

All you have to do is look for what makes your day, it could be caused by something small or big.

I truly admire the people who created books and wonderful shows and now are rightfully renowned for it.

I enjoy the fantasy these people created and gives me hope that hopefully one day reality can bring me the joy that fantasy brings.

In conclusion, reading and watching television are both like my left and right eye.

They both help me see the world from different angles. 

Both are my cure for pain.

Without the other, I would lose sight on the concept of happiness.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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