My Prayer

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 17:14 -- Ebonyj1


United States
33° 32' 27.1392" N, 92° 49' 4.1844" W

I'm so weak, Lord. I want your embrace, dear Lord. I want your smile, dear God. I want your strength, dear Lord. I want your forgiveness, dear God. I want your good and clean heart, dear Lord. I want your way of loving and forgiving, dear God. So Lord Jesus, touch my heart, embrace me as your child, forgive my cold heart, smile on me and give me peace, give me strength to carry on, help me forgive my enemies, clean my bad heart that way I can have a good heart, help me to learn to love and forgive, forgive my sins, and don't deny me before your father. I will not deny you in front of my family and friends. I will let my light shine all around me day and night. You are the light of the world. Hear my humble cries. Do not pass me by. Help me to strive to live everyday praising your name. Lord, thank you for letting me live today and protect me all the days of my life.


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