From birth to death,
From daycare to college,
From crushes to relationships,
From little league to college athletics...
Playing the sport I love,
Through all my clumsiness and injuries,
All my low points and high points,
From my stupid moments to my brilliant ones…
The troubles of teaching me right from wrong,
Teaching me what yes and no actually mean and respecting that,
From teaching me how to simply write my name, pour a glass of juice,
To teaching me, Miss “accident waiting to happen”, cooking, cleaning, how to build things from a bird house to helping with a carport and bath room add on,
No matter how much I complained, you always made me stay with what I started until the job was done.
Both of you, mom and dad, from one who never really played sports growing up to the other who did nothing but play sports growing up. You both have thought me totally different elements of being a team player, on and off the field. You mom and dad, have made me the lovable, respectful, hardworking, stubborn, athlete I have become.
Sure things haven’t come easy, it never does, and you guys thought me that too. We dealt with mental troubles of the divorce, money, family issues causing our family to fall apart. To all the pets we have had and then have lost, to the eye surgery at 8 yrs old I had that allowed me to even continue in my athletic life style. To watching all three grandparents live life to the fullest and then leave us with so many question and love for them. To the step-mom who fought the hardest her little body could until she couldn’t fight anymore. You both thought and helped me through all that has been dished out to me.
Mom….when I started to stray from the quiet life I had lived for 18 years, hanging with friends I enjoyed being around but you may not have approved of, you clamped down, hit me speeches, you got me thinking on the right path.
Through all this…MY LIFE…there has been consistent part, you…mom and dad.
You are the two that kept me going, when I didn’t think I could go to another practice, go to another day of school...when I thought I was going to lose my mind, you two glued me back together.
You, MY PARENTS are my family, best friends, love, hope, heroes, laughs, and arguments…YOU ARE MY PARENTS…and there isn’t anything I would change about that!!!!