My Milestone
You know when you sit long enough somewhere
And your mind begins to wander
It wanders to the darkest depths of despair
You feel about life and its never ending twists and turns.
It wanders to the day you tripped and no one offered to lend a hand
Or the day you received your first bad grade
Even the day when you confessed your feelings to someone and they turned you away
The days when you look at the ocean and wish to be washed away with the sand
It wanders to the good times just as the good times gets ripped away
Or even the day you stopped wishing on stars
Even the day when it feels like nothing is going your way
The days when the bad things in your life turned to scars
My mind wanders to the day I first discovered my mom had cancer
Or the day when I saw her at her worst
Even the day when doctors told me that being around her would kill her
The day when I cursed ever thinking twice about the little things that didn’t go my way
The little things that I dwelled upon every day
The little things that was nothing compared to this pill I now had to swallow
And the little things I didn’t care about any longer
You know when you sit long enough somewhere
And the air around you starts to lift
Your spirit begins to shift
The day when after a long time of praying you're given a gift
When you're hoping and saying the things to your mother you might never get a chance to say
There’s a breakthrough.
I had that breakthrough.
The day when I saw the weak woman in front of me no longer
Or the day when she was a pillar of strength
When I realized she had been with me through all the little things
When I loved that I had been there for her as much as I could
She went into remission
She became Cancer-free
That's when I realized why I write
Writing was my diary
Writing was my prayers
Writing through misery
Writing through betrayals
Writing through the good, writing through the bad
Writing through the sad, mad, and the glad
Writing was a direct link to God and to the world
Writing was my way of being heard.