My Love

Voice like a honeyed ballad of nightingales

Signals the rising of the bright sun

That holds no comparison to thy smile.

Eyes spark with a fiery inferno

That sends my heart into a giddy frenzy.

Thy lips brush sweetly across my own

With a promise of more yet to come,

In a caress as soft as rose petals.

Thy touch like a gentle breeze

Whispering against my skin

Awakens emotions thought to be locked away.

The vision of thy arms stretched wide

Beckoning for a sweet embrace

Offers warmth and safety

And a special place for my heart to call home.

Thy departure is one not unlike

The sorrowful wail of a lark

That echoes through the night

As it watches the Sun depart from sight

And the Moon rise into the night sky

With her serene beauty.

She misses her beloved Sun,

With hopes to glimpse his handsome face.

And perchance reunite in an amorous eclipse.


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