My limber limbs had once
My limber limbs had once walked and ran
Obedient to my every command
I was your muse, your lover, and your cause
Life was oh so sweetly buried and lost
In endless kisses poured out on us
In fulfilled dreams and daring wanderlust
Till brutal fate cursed down upon us
And the metal of cars came crashing round'
My once perfect limbs I now sadly found
To be senselessly stupid, mangled beasts
Restricting adventure to almost cease
I was a monster by definition
Broken and bent beyond recognition
You should have fled my side, darling person
Far away as my condition worsened
And yet you stayed so very close, so near
How did I deserve your listening ear
And although wedding vows no longer bind
You told me ours would last far beyond time
And you stayed so utterly committed
So devoted and forever fitted
To my hand and heart, to even my form
So ugly and cruelly altered and worn
There was raw sacrifice within your love
A clear reflection of our God above
When I asked you why you stayed so true
you answered, "Darling because I love you."