My Identity
“Identity- the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”
But it is so much more than you birthday, favorite color, or other trait that you’re thinking
I prefer to define myself as the sound of my pencil curving across the paper
The good morning smell of our coffee maker
My identity is found in the hum of my sewing machine
As I create wearable art, like I have been, since fourteen
I would describe myself as the way the letters of my signature curve together
Closely knit and personal, like a homemade sweater
All of these elements that make up me
Are thanks to my experiences, friends, and family
Thanks to the words of my mother and opinions of my best friend
I have parts of me that also reflect them
That is why my identity is seen through the goodbyes I have to say
The artwork I put on display
But I also the artwork I hide, because it didn’t go that great
It’s through the seams sewn on the clothes I make
And lastly, through every poem I’ve ever written
To this very day