My Heart Has Wings


United States
41° 18' 56.718" N, 86° 6' 50.778" W

Take me away to a place I've never been and screw all the places that are known. Leave me alone if you hate me and keep in touch if you don't. Stop screwing with my emotions for the feeling of self worth and give up on me if you can't take it. Get a life if you think it is fun to laugh at me. Stop taking what I give if you can't appriceate it and get on with your own life. Stop faking what you are and become something real. Leave me alone in the end or stay with me, I don't care as long as something happens. Stop living a dream and get your feet on the ground. Screw you if you can't take. All you have to do to stay alive is keep breathing. Breath in and breath out just stay the heck away from me. Stop trying to trip me up and take away my dream. At least I have the guts to dream something that can happen. You just keep the fairy tales rolling. Dreaming of things that are impossible and not at all likely. Get a life and when that happens let me know. Stay away from me, you are ruining me. You are telling me that nothing can happen, that I am nothing, that I will result in nothing, that I am worth nothing. Well screw that and screw you. The world might be a rough place but at least I have the balls to try and tough it out and live in the light. I don't live beneath the shadow of the person I can never be, the person who is slowly killing you. Give me a break and let me live the way I want to. What the hell did I ever do to you to deserve what you are giving me? It is as if I have commited a horrible sin and you are the self appointed god who seems to think they can rule my thoughts and take over my life. The very thought, the consiousness that makes my world real is somehow ruled by you and you don't even have to do anything to gain that power. Somehow you are just given the power to rule my thoughts, my feelings, my very being. I hate you and yet I love you with all my heart. How can a heart love so freely the very thing that restricts its wings?


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