My Happy Place

The Upside Down can be an unhappy place for some

I find happiness in ways unique to some

Upside in a handstand where I belong

I point my toes to the endless sky

My muscles strenthening, for every time I handstand 

My fears and doubts disintigrate into the earth

Gymnastics is in my heart

burning brightly no matter how long apart

the gymnast in me remains untouched

Life's obstacles, rugged mountains and stiffened trees

Leave no marks on my resilient heart

I can bounce and turn, flip. and fly

Despite how many years that go by

Or where life takes me 

I don't mind being upside down

The feeling I get when the wind brushes my body

I stand on my bare hands unwavered by the wind

I am a gymnast who will always feel good in a handstand. 



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