My Guardian Angel


United States
35° 19' 46.3548" N, 93° 4' 39.5652" W

As a child you held me
When I was hurt or feeling bad
You taught me all the words to the B-I-B-L-E
Which to some did not seem like a big deal
But to me it meant everything
With your consistency of always telling me to go for my dreams
I came to enjoy music
You have always trusted my intuition
And let me go for what I love
There is not one single time that you have told me
I could never do it even though I know I’m not that great
As time seemed to fly by
Your diabetes seemed to only kick in more seriously
The one who had taught me to do what I love
Is now the one who needed me
How to let you go as I held you in my arms that last time
That is what I needed to now
You were my rock
That kept me settled no matter what was taking place
Now was my time to be there for you
On that day as you gained your Angel Wings and flew
I knew that no matter what I had to live in your inspiration
That you left behind
Grandma you were always an Angel sent down to Earth
And your Spirit still remains in my heart
As well as the others that you touched
With your time here with us.


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