My Grandfather
Such a little man
But full of heart
You've helped me until this day
It teared my soul apart
Knowing it's been 7 months since you've been gone
But the things you taught me have brought me far along
Never cope with anger rather turn into nice
Never let your feelings get to you, always have to think wise
You said life always has a meaning
Use your skills to do something, don't be day-dreaming
I grew up not having any school just being a farmer
Now its your time to use that education that's going to take you farther
Every time I lost a game he said,
Don't worry champ nobody's perfect
and everytime I failed an exam he said
A failing grade doesn't mean a failing brain
I've had ups and downs in my life
From parent's divorcing
Friends joinng gangs
People leaving me
My grandfather never left me
Becuase he couldn't walk anymore
But even when he couldn't walk he told me
Nico I can't use my legs anymore
But the rest of my body is functioning
In life use what you have instead of struggling
I'll admit you taught me more than anyone else has done
more than my dad and I'm his only son
To you I want to thank you for everything you've taught me
From education, sports, reality, all the things I needed to see
Feeding the cows to learning spanish to kicking a ball to reading a book
Now look how far it has took
Me into a step closer to college
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have this knowledge
The bond I had with you touched me really deep
Well it's night now grandpa goodnight I'll talk to you in my sleep.
I love you.