My Goodbye to an Ex-Lover
screaming, crying, whaling I spit my words of loathing and wrath at that stupid smirk on your face
yet again I have worn my heart on my sleeve which you, my dear friend, were supposed to protectyour lies flow off you tongue like some pathetic serpent, so certain you will calm me and return things to orderbut I have had enoughyou have had so many last chances and each time you dug another knife deep into my backI want to rip your dumb tongue our of your mouthmaybe you would finally learn to listenI hear you crying on the other end of the phone, practically begging for my lovefor my forgivenessbut every lie you told poisoned me, destroyed me until nowyou have at last gotten to my very corethe bit that's left of me looks at you with the disdain and hatred of an enemy you were my best friend and my loverand all I asked was for you to be true, to protect my porcelain heart which you knew was already crackedenough is enoughand how dare you make me feel like some side chick, some rag doll or sick voodoo doll for your rotten love and fuck then prick and rip at the seams for your own entertainmentI deserve betterFuck you