My Goal

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 02:31 -- ssosa9


United States
33° 42' 45.4176" N, 117° 52' 19.8048" W

I will speak of a man who I admire.
Why I hope to be like one day.

A man who wears worn-out, steel-toed boots,
and a hardhat Monday-Friday.
Who wears casual, relaxing clothes on weekends,
and gets sunburns on weekdays.

A man who says “Go to school,
so you won’t end up working like me one day.”
And, “Never give up on your goal,
because you’ll be able to reach it someday.”

A man whose voice can be heard like a mile away.
Especially when cheering us on, on those Sunday games.
“Meep,” “Meep,” is all you hear,
Signaling to pedestrians that he is headed their way.

A man who can make a calculator seem slow.
From constructing a building to constructing houses for the rich,
This man has no limits to what his hands can show.
Who lets his actions speak louder than words,
Not competing with anyone, or flashing what he has,
But rather living life, being proud of what he’s accomplished.
He who never gets bored,
always finding something to get distracted.

A man who can say “I cooked for my wife and kids today.”
Making dishes that has our family thinking,
“I wonder what food he’s making.”
Making breakfast, or dinner,
For sure you will not be thinner.
Or even given me that surprise of making carnitas,
he can do both jobs and is not afraid
to make those delicious fajitas.

A man who can make you laugh,
even when you don’t want to play.
Giving jokes or showing you a smile.
A smile that just brightens your day.

A man whose name I can say
With pride and admiration
“My DAD” is what I say.


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