My Forever Friend
I thought everything had changed
Like the waves had finally subsided
Like there was peace
But it never leaves you, never stops following
It is always just around the corner ready to overtake you again
It watches you while you sleep, joins you in your dreams
Almost like a noose
It loosens but as soon as you try to pull away,
It pulls you into it's unforgiving grip again
It will befriend you, just to keep taking and taking,
And slowly drain away everything you have to offer
It will never be enough, you will never be enough
It will haunt your memories, reminding you of everything it has done
It will try and beat down something that has already been deterred a long time ago
It will also be the good times that force you to learn
Those memories of what you no longer have
The perfectness of it all, not just a small fragment of the past, and what you are now
One day I may accept you my forever friend
No longer fight what I know to be true
Live with the pain, until I am freed, and my time is now done here
Until then life will continue on
More and more fragments filling my brain
Until I am ready to explode, and let go, and feel peace once again