My First
Dear My First Kiss,
You shouldn’t have happened.
That night at the mall,
In a dressing room stall.
It shouldn’t have happened.
It was a social obligation—
Something for loneliness to use as compensation.
It shouldn’t have happened.
I thought it was love.
No, it was fear:
Fear that I wasn’t “enough”,
Fear that I wasn’t capable of love.
I was scared.
I was naive.
I asked for you to take the lead,
Hoping that we’d be more than just a “thing”.
It was all in the moment.
It felt like a blur.
As our lips moved with “passion”,
I felt more insecure.
This wasn’t love.
It was just a fling.
No matter how many times I said “stop”,
He kept continuing.
I was tired of being alone.
I thought this was the right choice.
It was when he covered my mouth,
I no longer had a voice.
When it was all done and over with,
I didn’t know what to do.
A week later he texted me,
Bidding me adieu.
It’s been 3 months.
He’s now back with his ex.
I’m still alone
Wondering what’s next.
I don’t regret many things,
But this is one of them.
If only I could turn back time
To before we met.
—Regretful Romantic