My Feline Friend

Fri, 09/02/2016 - 12:38 -- Emma98

I wonder the halls feeling lonly,

sitting down lost in a sea of sadness and despair.

I feel like i am being watched,

i look around to see

My little feline friend is watching me

She sits there with her head a little tilted

as if asking me whats wrong

I start to think and ponder hard

what could be causing this in me?

what do i find so wrong?

what could cause me to loose my happieness?

so i look at my little feline friend 

and i tell her what i think

she listens

and listens

and listens to my problems

i talk

and talk and talk some more

and as i talk to my feline friend

i relize that this life is to short to worry

to short to cry

to short to doubt

and ask myslf why.

I am as perfect as can be

and the only one i can see

who can be me

there will always be struggles

there will always be pain

but i can find joy everyday

in the small things

because i know i will always have my feline friend 

she will never leave in this life or the next

she is my joy and sorrow

she is my happyness and pain

with my little feline friend life is as perfect as can be

and i will remain in my little fantasy.

Surrounded by those i love

with hope at arms reach, 

i find joy every day in my little feline friend

she is my hearts song and she is every thing to me

I Love You Kitty!!!

This poem is about: 
My family


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