My Favorite Colour
I find it funny
when asked my favorite colour
In reply I often find falsehood will suffice
Giving the typical answers of red or blue
Saphire if I was feeling particularily creative
If I was feeling particularily armour red, I'd answer
The colour grey that makes me believe an old man's hair is blue.
I guess I'll never really know my true favorite colour
Like I won't know a lot of things
If I had to choose I'd say It would be the truth
Cause you see
The truth isn't black or white
Nor is it a shade of grey
It's a colour
Most truths require, certain mental complexions
I never found one that matched mine
People often create their minds complexions
And only add what compliments it
From that, they've become what they've seen
People say you are what you see
but what if all you see
is grey
I guess I'm grey
boring beige
Just another thing to blend with the wallpaper
Just another brick in the wall
I'm a horrible liar
I think its because I've never been able to mathch anothers complexion
Through my fabrications
through my creations
I'm horribly gullible
Just add your colour to my pallette
It's hard to distinguish one grey from another.
In all this can you blame me?
They can blend their colours in with the rest
and I can't seem to compliment their complexions
Though I've tried...
"Be grateful for the green you have"
"In thsi pallette you are yellow"
"Show me some yellow"
"Why aren't you yellow"
"Here, let me slap some yellow into you!"
"And, I'll do it again"
I'm an artist
you know
The Irony
I know
My mind, once an unpainted brush
Dipping itself into the various truths
Trying to create a clear image
But I think I took too many swatches
Just a bit of everything
Not enough to distinguish one
but enough to meld together
Through my fabrications
Through my creations
Through my interpretations
to create
I don't think I'll ever complete my masterpiece.
You know
The funny thing is
I used to believe I could see colour.