My Declaration
I have a declaration; a declaration that is the storytelling transformation testimony of how God has moved in so many ways in my life.
I have a declaration that I will sing from the mountaintops and in the valleys deep.
This declaration of mine is not one seeking pride and glory by others and their approval. Instead, this declaration of mine is purely and completely directed to God and Him alone!
This is one declaring that my God has already won the battle for me and that the devil has no place here in my Father's house! It is declaring that the devil no longer has a hold on me!
My declaration is only powerful because Jesus Christ has already done the work!!
This is my declaration and no one absolutely no one will ever take this declaration away or 'shut me out because I'm on a mission and its heaven set' (Hawk Nelson - Sold Out-) and because God has won the fight and he will bring me through.
Amen! To God be the glory. the honor. the dominion, and the praise forever and ever!