My Dear Monster
I feel it, close and deep inside.
This monster so close me,
It makes me fearful, terrified.
Yet, I almost can't wait to see.
Kind words like promises persuade me.
Something waiting on the breath of night.
Tearing out of its prison for moon it can see
the path to freedom is within it's sight.
Wild words spill from my pen
onto this blank paper I hold
ink sploches the white and then
words are forming and my soul is sold.
The world around me knows no bounds.
Limits are limitless
and I cannot hear any sounds.
Because the I am now soulless.
Only empty space is left.
Only my shell remains.
I feel lost and bereft
like I will never be the same.
The monster is out
and it is free
I can't even shout
that it has left me.