My Dad's Poultry Farm
I must have been ten or so
When dad raised a poultry farm
Near our Indian country home
Where life was purely aglow.
Though we were not rich enough
We found bliss in all small things,
Loved hatched chicks with fluffy wings
And hens’ droll clucks made us laugh.
White leghorns, Rhode Island Reds
Black Minorca and White Rocks
That Dad raised, were his proud breeds.
Every day the hens laid eggs.
Dad gathered them in green bags.
Sold them in a baker’s shop
Which brought us some bucks and hope.
Three poultry years passed by.
Poor health choked dad from his stride.
He gazed at the farm and sighed
We could do nothing but cry.
Chorus: White Leghorns…..
One sad night Dad said goodbye
With broken heart, and was gone.
Tenebrous, without the sun
We strived, for many a day….
Though dad’s farm dreams have withered,
Though many years have passed,
We still prize his farm and breeds
In sweet memoirs as his broods.
Chorus: White Leghorns…..
Ipe Mathews© 2019-2020