My Country Tis Of The...
Africans, Mexicans, Indians, Eskimos, Ricans,
Indians, Chinese, Anglos and so much more.....
Thats America to me. Not the corrupt streets hat lock a man
up for unjust causes. Not the president making a fool of our people.
My country was great without all the drama. Acting as though this is a global movie
a video ready to go viral.
My country was great when kids could go play in their yards without
having to think about what app is coming out next or what's on facebook
I miss my great America.
I say my America because she was beautiful, amazing before
we ruined her. Instead of becoming one, we drifted into parts, pieces, dividends.
Instead of others looking at us as though we are kind and gentle they see us as a clown and the president
is the big red ball on our nose to complete the look.
So if you ask me if America's great I'd ask you, what have you done to help it become great??