My Boat
Aught afore the mountains
And afore ye seven seas
T’were created something else
As a few now still believe
And a beauty that they were
And so shall e’er be
The fish-folk of the depths
The fair maidens of the sea
Their voices lilt and sway
And sing out loud and long
But deadly be the noise
Of the mermaid’s lovely song
For many be there now
A great and hostly throng
For while Hercules was mighty
A mermaid be more strong
Ye see, long ago I sailed
And we chanced upon a host
Not a chance did we stand,
They came straight upon the boat
The sirens sang right with ‘em
And the men bleated like some goats
But I knew that while they smiled
We’d not much longer be afloat
Captured that day was my vessel
And a portion of me crew
Doubtless a pitiable loss
But they were stewed
Perhaps if they’d not been
So leery and so lewd
I’d have a few more sailors
And a few more boats from which to choose
As it is the booty’s low
And it stands to reason
That I’ll have another hungry winter
Because we’ve come to hurricane season
My boat so ravaged by the fish-wives
That I couldn’t manage weasling
An old fisher out his rig
Nor honorably take to seizing
But my ship didn’t go that day
Not on its own, at least
For they took my cargo and my heart
In the waters of the East