My Best Friend

My Best Friend is a girl who never sleeps
A girl who never wakes
A girl who never dreams

My Best Friend is someone who tries to be perfect
someone who pushes so hard that when they fall
it is impossible to get up

My Best Friend is blind to what everyone else can see
Is blind to her power and courage
is blind to how beautiful she really is

My Best Friend can be what ever she wants to be
Can help who ever she dares to help
Can annihilate someones remorse and sadness with one word

My Best Friend will always judge herself
will now never even see
how wonderful she can be

My Best Friend never sleeps
because one day she wanted the end
I begged her not to go

My Best Friend never saw my side
Always saw the bad
and that's why she died

My Best Friend now will always sleep
she will always dream
she will always lie still

My Best Friend left me
but now she lives on
because I wrote this poem
her story goes on


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