"My Arms" ... (Explicit Language !) A Poem written by Big Virge 9/9/2014


United Kingdom

Ya Know ...
Within My Arms Are Lyrical Psalms ...
WITHOUT Jewish or Christian Points of View ... !!!

What They Produce Is NOTHING New ...
But The Style PROFILED STREET FIGHTS Like ... " GUILE " ... !!!

Okay I Mean ... " Virge " ... !!!
A Man Whose ARMS Put Words In Verse ...
In A Way That PRESERVES Thoughts WELL OBSERVED ... !!!

You See My Arms TRANSPORT My DEEPEST Thoughts ...
From Brain To Page In NUMEROUS Ways ... !!!!

My Catalogue Now CONFIRMS To CLOWNS ...
That My Arms Are STRONG As Well As LONG ... !!!!!!!

NOT Muscle Bound But Built To POUND ... !!!
Lyrical FITNESS Into Those Who BEAR WITNESS ... !!!

of ... Thoughts I Write Down ...
And EXPRESS Through Lyrics ...
That Are Fluid Like ... LIQUIDS ... !!!!!

See My Arms CONNECT Nouns Consonants And Vowels ...
That My Mouth Now EXPOUNDS From ... Time to Time ...

But Prefer To Inscribe Onto Notepad Type Lines ...
Where They Formulate Rhymes That Come From My Mind ...

So Their TECH Is IMMORTAL When OPENING Portals ...
For Minions of Mortals To Find Out My ORALS ...
Are WAY BEYOND Normal When They ENTER Their AURAL ... !!!
Because They're RESOURCEFUL And Prove To Be ... THOUGHTFUL ... !!!

So Therefore DO NOT Dawdle In Places Known As BORSTALS ... !!!!!

My Arms Can Be Quite FORCEFUL ... !!!
But Manage To Be ... " Cordial " ...
When BREAKING DOWN What's Lawful ...
In Wordplay That Is SCORNFUL ...
That NO Is NOT REMORSEFUL ... !!!!!!

Because My Arms Are CAUSAL ...
So YES ... Embrace A CAUSE ... !!!!!!


Talking of FLOORS My Arms ENDURE Push Ups Fa' SURE ... !!!
To Keep My Head And Shoulders ... BROAD ... !!!

Therefore Their STRENGTH ...
CAN TAKE The Strain My Mind ORDAINS ... !!!!!

My Arms BELIEVE Have Seen Some GRIEF ... !!!
And SOMETIMES SEEN Some ... " SWEET PUSSY " ... !!!!

My Arms Have HELD Their Share of Girls ...
Those Who've GELLED With ... " Virges' World " ... !!!!!!

But Now My Arms ...
Have Been REPELLED For Quite Some Time .... !!!!!!!

Because My Mind Has Found That Charm ...
Is NOT What Gets My Arms A Pass To HOLD Some Ass ... !!!

My Arms Now Want MORE Than Some Stunt ...
YES I Mean TRICK ... To Do MORE Than EXPOSE Her CLIT ... !!!

They're OLDER Now ...
So REJECT ..................................... " SOWS " .... !!!!!
And YOUTHFUL ... " COWS " ... !!!!!

They Want A WOMAN NO MORE NO LESS ... !!!
One Whose SOUL Wants Arms To HOLD ...
Whilst Having SEX And In Times of STRESS ... !!!!!!

This Piece Right Now Is Near It's END ...
My Arms Are PROUD WITHOUT A Doubt ... !!!

Because They've NEVER THROWN Or HIT ...
A Woman With Whom I Shared A KISS ...

But There Was ONE BITCH Who Felt The GRIP ...
But BEFORE You Feminists RUN YOUR LIPS ... !!!!!!!

Let Me Just STRESS THIS ... !!!

So MY Arms HAD TO TOUCH HER ... !!!

So NOW It's Time For My Arms To FIND Some Words of Rhyme ...
That REFLECT On The Times When My Mother Was Alive ...

HER ARMS Made Me STRONG ... !!!
And RAISED Me With Aplomb To NOT DO WRONG .... !!!!!!

UNTIL She Declined And POOR Health INCLINED ...
My Heart To USE MINE To DO What Was RIGHT...
And Be By Her Side Til' The Day She DIED ... !!!

Now My Father Was A Man ...
Who HAD ... STRONG HANDS ... !!!

He Was An ... " Osteopath " ...

But What Was ... " Sad " ...
Was That He DIDN'T Just CRACK His Patients' Backs ... !!!!!!

When He Got MAD ...
His Arms Brought HARM To My Mothers' Heart ... !!!!!!!!!

Which I Guess is WHY They Fell ... APART ... ?????

He Didn't Even CARE When It Came To Her DEATH ... ?!?

But My Arms Were There And Have Marked A Path ...
For Them To Chart What My Memories Are Through THIS Piece of Art ...

There Were NO Psalms Or Guns In Palms ...
When Her Card Was MARKED For My Mother To PASS ...
And Leave Me To Write ... THIS EPITAPH ... !!!

About How She Died YES ... IN ...

............ " My Arms " .............

This poem is about: 
My family
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: 


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