The Musical
In the opening number
We are as blind as a worm
Content with the womb
Born of the sperm
Contended by measures
Fatality hampered
We explore on bended knee(s)
Toward the first song we scamper
“I want” comes out
A want received
The main song of life
Sung by the minstrels of greed
Luxury is found
Your joy is renown
Your face lies at a safe distance
Amidst, yet above the ground
Amidst the Climax
A ballad is spun
Its given the tools
From which wisdom will come
It gave the chance
The chance is clout
What’s left is plain
The truth comes out
To skip ahead to our good reprise.
The saddened acts of our lustful eyes.
Their given power over our souls
Lest we take the actions to take control…
The Final Act
Finale’s here.
It has given a new and perceptive ear.
It’s given a wisdom attainable not
Lest god given wisdom was faithfully bought
In life…
In life complex,
Our final number is never next.