Mucus Cloud
A tree falls down
in this small town
The wind, with ease
blows away the leaves
Like the mucus cloud
after a sneeze
And inside that breeze
there's a yellow-hat man
who says that with the help of big machines,
he'll do what he can
to prop the tree back up into its stand
because when it's down like that
it looks oh so bland
But the tree has roots
which don't look too happy
From when the wind was rough,
and the ground went 'snap'-y
There are things that tree needs
that that ground just lacks
It won't fix much
just putting it back
So now they're trying to protest the yellow hat-man
and they call for a big machines ban
Even though that's not how the problem began
They don't have a solution,
but that's their conclusion
Quick to criticize,
slow to calculate
They say it's to defend the trees that they love
but we all know it's to attack the humans they hate
So now we go back to the yellow-hat man
Who's sitting in his basement,
trying to think of a plan
to bring back the tree's glory without throwing the protestors in a tizzy
And that whole process
is making him sizzy
So much so that he falls to the ground
and then he hears a peculiar sound
something falls in his hand
and that thing is round
Now he's beaming with glee
because the idea's found
So now the yellow-hat man comes back to the protestor's line
and squeezes his way
through their picket signs
Once he's made it past them all, he puts a seed in the hole
from which the tree did fall
covers it with dirt, and brings out his watering can
feeling so proud
of his little plan
so the yellow-hat man waves goodbye to them all
As the protestors leave, but they come back next Fall
complaining about the seedling
saying it should be more tall
But this doesn't bother the man in the hat
So lets the protestors throw their little tantrum
after all, there's not much he can do about that
So he lets the protestors throw their little tantrum
and from then on, he just goes straight past 'em
he knows there's no plasing those kinds of folks
so whatever, let them go on with their moral jokes
the way that man figures,
the way that he sees it
"They can say what they like, but I ain't gotta believe it."
So from then on, he does as he pleases
and doesn't give a thought
to those protesting sleazes.