Mr. President
I didn't want Donald Trump to be president. He is not the most qualified person to be.
But then again, he's more qualified than me.
And whether or not I wanted him to win the election, that doesn't matter any more.
Because he did win. We've received the. final. score.
So quit the complaining, protesting, and whining,
And start looking for a silver lining
Because you got to vote
UNlike most.
Thousands of people don't get a say
On who makes decisions for them each and every day
And at least we have these things called checks and balances
So someone can't come and cause us damages
With all these blessings, in mind, let's make a promise, a swear
To do something crazy, to venture, to dare
To do something right, honorable, and grand
Something similar to sustaining a leader, a man
We, of course, will always be brave strong and true
But will we always be Supportive too?
I don't mean to our peers or parents, although that's important
That's not what this message is, it just isn't
I mean to our President, our Commander and Chief
Will we lift him up when he starts to sink?
Will we loudly defend,
A man who may never be our friend?
When others ridicule, laugh, and point
Will we snuff out their comments, will that be our choice?
Will we be Americans, even if we don't agree,
Will we never let others be mean
To the man who's our leader, Who we turn to in trial
Or will we sit in denial?
We are one nation. Under One flag. Under one Man.
And we must be there to give him a hand
Because I'm sure you can imagine, or maybe you can't
All of the stress that he has, without our angry chants?
He just got the hardest job in the world
A normal human would hurl
So NOW is the time to be proud to be an American (And not just our football teams)
Proud of our President. The Senate. Every thing.
Because if we aren't, who will be?
It's like one of your siblings makes you mad, And even though you're calling them names,
When your friend does it? It's just not the same.
You jump to your family's defense, as quick as a light
Because that's simply what's right
The same comes with Donald Trump, Frankly it doesn't matter if you like him or not,
Family is family, in case you forgot
So all I'm saying is voice your arguments and concerns,
But when it becomes mr. Trump's turn,
Still exercise your freedom of speech, on policies and choices, opinions and stuff,
But when it comes to saying he shouldn't be president, that's enough
Maybe he shouldn't, there's no way to know, but he is,
So shut up and go
Go to a fire station, police station or school
and look up at a flag on a pole
And remember to be proud of who we are
Remember when you see the stripes and the stars
Remember to defend our president, when we get down to the threads,
Remember to not agree with other countries, but be proud instead