Mouse Trap
One night I asked myself, “Why is it that when it comes to love it always fails me?
I never succeed, what did I do wrong?
Am I not worth fighting for?”
This voice replied, “Be still, you don’t need a mouse trap to capture love,
Easy comes easily dies, seek for true & everlasting Love.”
Since then, I never asked further questions.
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Wow I love the play of words. Yeah I seem to find the same thing with love that so many others do, as well. I believe it's because everyone has their own interpretations of what love is to them and how they want it presented to them. Then we see it fall short and then we lower our standers, plus we seem to pick the wrong ones too. I'm not to sure this happens with girls as mush as guys, but we always have that really good friend who's been there with you from day one and helps you get through every tough relationship. Yet then you ask yourself where are all the good guys and that friend is saying to himself I've been here all along but you just can't see me yet, that you are clouded with hurt and what love should be when you should let love be what it has always been.
Love wasn't found, it always seem to find you. Those fairy tales of how you see someone for the first time and fall in love, well that's the same concept as today but it's being drowned from others people's interpretations. You let follow free and let love do it's thing, instead of finding the hottest girl or guy, someone with money or that or this. We should date people or love people for who they are and not what we can make of them or use them for. That's how love seems to be these days and we got all those good guys out there being over looked and beat to the punch because that guy before us hurt you to bad for you to let us in.
I don't know about everyone else but I always try to find someone real and not fake, someone who is free and who loves themselves, and who lets their significant other be themselves and love them for there quirkiness. I don't try to look for the badness girl out there, you know someone who ok or special to you; I mean looks are great and there a plus when you find a girl or guy who are what you are looking for. Oh and most important things are the sense o humor, personality, and kindness. You know someone nice but who can take a stand for what they believe, who fights for others and can stand up for herself. Also, who isn't insecure and who can walk out in to the world and not care about what someone might say about them. Oh and who doesn't love some ambition too, I need some drive and goals in her life; she needs to be adventurous too. Lol.
Anyway check these poems out too.