Mother's Lessons
It's not fair, I just can't let go.
I sit here and plead, why must she go?
She was my everything, my mom and best friend.
Now that she's gone, where do I begin?
A woman who lived her life for others, giving until no end.
She's the one who told me to stand up and defend.
Defend my truths,
Defend my rights and live as I dream,
Defend the right to live my life
Anyway I see.
You taught me life's lessons
and undivided love
Right from the begginning,
and now from up above.
You lost a strong fight against cancer.
Let it be what may.
Even on your hardest days, you'd say,
"I'm just tired today."
Someday I'll see you again.
Not soon enough, I know.
I do my best to look past the how, look past the why.
Why so soon must you go?
You came, you loved, you conquered.
This I hope you see
The only question I ask of you is,
Are you proud of me?