Mother Said...

Mon, 04/18/2016 - 23:15 -- h.roark

My mother used to say,

'Always guard your heart,

And never let a random boy

Ever tear it apart.

You've got to learn when it's time

To simply walk away,

Or when it's time to say 'I'm sorry'

And choose to truly stay".

My mother used to tell me

She could always seem to see

Who was worth my time

And who wasn't right for me.

She told me when I met you,

"Baby, you stay far away.

Don't let that boy take your heart

And lead it hopelessly astray."

I stubbornly ignored her

And trained all my focus on you

Believing deep down in my heart

You really did love me too.

I made up excuses

For each wrong thing done

And quietly assured myself

"Don't worry...he's the one"

It wasn't until I cursed your name

After you split my heart in two

I should have listened to my mother

And stayed the hell away from you.

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