
I wake up to the ground rumbling and shaking, like a magnificent beast that is writhing in pain for it has been wounded by what I do not know, but the sirens that blare their horrible, terrible and unbearable, wail, that we all come to fear, gives me an Idea of what is the cause of this magnificent beast suffering, the siren wail drowning out my thoughts and snapping me back to to the horror that is a hand, I walk through my door and see the sky peppered with black dots, metal flying, the rumble, of their steel hearts, pumping their, blood, an unnatural concoction one not of mother nature but one of man made innovation the dark side of mankind's industrialization the use of the gift nature gave has turned them against her against us, using the beautiful gift she gave us to try and end us to wipe us off this earth, a hexing, decision that will surely bring an end to them for such an unjust action against, mother earth, is a folly that they shall not be forgiven, whether by ours or mothers hand we will make them pay dearly for but I'm ripped from my thoughts as fireworks of metal creation crater the beautiful skin of mother causing her to shake and rumble even more a sign of the pain that they are putting her through a mistake they will regret so very soon, a choice that will certainly bring upon them their doom a choice fueled by a jealous vexing of our unwavering connection with mother we show her affection and ensure her protection but we have failed her a unforgivable sin to be unable to uphold the promise we made but we shall make sure to make them pay for their actions against mother, and maybe we will earn our redemption mothers eye and once again live under her protection and beautiful sanctuary that now lays in ruins at he hands of the heretics, beast of metal, plates of steel and iron, ripped from mothers body a cruel action that they will come to regret surely in their unjust action on mothers part, because whether by ours or mothers they will pay for their actions, to be punished for the pain they've caused our mother who has treated us with so much love and affection they will pay with what all the hold close a crime that shall be tried and have them held guilty for their villainous plot to destroy our peaceful society just for the premonition that it will bring them volumes' of untold riches just by destroying our way of life, a decision that will bring an end to there unjust tyranny, unforetold treachery, undeserving thievery they will learn, that their actions will nt go unpunished because mothers justice is swift and merciless  

This poem is about: 
My country
Our world


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