A Morning for Us
5:30 am
The world is still fast asleep
Deep breaths of fresh air
Are captured in the windmill of my bones
Rising and falling as I do.
My feet lead me down the path
I’ve traveled thousands of times,
The path that leads to my heart
The path I was raised running down
The path that has carried me through
Countless spinning thoughts.
The squeaky gate alarms my arrival
Disturbing the sleeping air.
His joy is contagious,
The smile on his ears beam at me.
His fur is warm and surprisingly dry
In the clouds that have enveloped the ground around us.
Holding his head in my arms
It is just us against the world
As it has been for as long as we’ve been a team.
Our impending goodbye breaks into my mind
Pounding down the drawbridge
As unwanted invaders.
But they are chased away
By the sound of shielding hoofbeats.
He reminds me not to worry about the future
That time will come
But not today.
Today it is us
Tomorrow it is us.
It will always be us
Even if not physically.
His hoofbeats
Follow me back to the gate.