Love is nothing more but a hoax.
It is something that exists only to give
Us hope in one another to ease our pain.
In that short span of time where you have them,
It disappears before you realize the serenity.
The trick.. no one is ever truly yours.
People have moments of belonging to you,
But they eventually take their selves back.
Everything is surrounded around love…
Valentines, Thanksgiving, Christmas, dreams, etc..
Everything listed above, and then some, is a joke.
No one actually cares about YOU.
People only care about themselves.
Moments in life are what make us happy.
Those moments where nothing else matters
Except for the ones who make you feel good.
But that's just it…
Moments that 'make us feel good'…
It's never really about the other person.
MOMENTS are what make us feel loved.
MOMENTS give other parts of life meaning.
MOMENTS are those that we cling to
When we want to fall apart.
What happens when those 'moments'
Can only come from one type of person?
Does that make it more than moments of happiness?
No one belongs to another human being.
No one can own someone because of the word 'love'.
The only true love we can hold and never let go..
Are moments
That you can never predict
If you'll get to have again.
Memories of those moments
Are the destruction of humans.